AimEE Tow,员工物理治疗师
两知道她大力倡导病人安全& ndash;经常主动寻找机会,使护理更安全。的合作伙伴1a在波ECarE implEmEntation, 拖车看到遇到的报告正在生成的物理治疗包含病人的信息,是没有必要的,为她的团队提供最好的护理。认识到这是不符合合作伙伴的隐私政策“最小必要/需要知道,”她提出了问题与领导,提出了一个服务现在机票和安全报告。由于牵引倡导为病人保密,项目很快就被固定。
JosEph VEntura, opErations associatE on BlakE 6
AsidE from VEnturas ability to always comE to work with a smilE on his facE, hE has also provEn hE is willing to go abovE and bEyond to EnsurE thE safEty of patiEnts. HE rEcEntly rEcognizEd that a patiEnt who had callEd for hElp might bE in crisis. WhEn thE staff was unablE to go to thE room immEdiatEly, VEntura dEcidEd to chEck on thE patiEnt. His instincts wErE corrEct: thE patiEnt was falling out of bEd. HE callEd for immEdiatE hElp to stabilizE thE patiEnt. It is this kind of quick thinking our patiEnts dEpEnd on.
Bob Young,儿科药剂师
TracEy Zachary,RN,急救部门
REad morE articlEs from thE 10/07/16 HotlinE issuE.