华盛顿特区& ndash;布瑞恩雅可布,医学博士,副总裁,在儿童国家医疗系统的首席信息官和首席信息官的医疗健康数据管理公认的CIO有远见。 ;
首次公布的特点是卫生保健数据,努力改善患者的健康和财务表现的组织通过创新和分析。该程序展示了创新的领导,将数据转化为行动。 ;
雅可布博士是我们领导小组的组成部分。他带着一个巨大的眼光为我们的健康信息技术(IT)在他的工作策略和激情,”凯思琳说戈尔曼,MSN,RN,NEA-BC,儿童国家首席运营官和病人护理服务的执行副总裁。他决心通过数据和分析来改变病人护理的结果,在儿童和医疗保健行业中都有着特殊的进步。我很高兴他令人印象深刻的作品。” ;
While serving dual roles for Childrens National, Dr. Jacobs expanded Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology across inpatient departments, ambulatory clinics and regional data exchange, including 240 independent physicians, as well as advocated the use of geographic information systems (GIS). Most recently, Dr. Jacobs merged standard EHR data with GIS software, which integrates health data and geospatial coordinates to gather insight into childhood obesity and offer potential interventions. In addition, Dr. Jacobs serves as the Executive Director of the Center for Pediatric Informatics and oversees the Childrens IQ Network, a pediatric health information exchange in 华盛顿特区, metropolitan region.
健康数据管理是一个领先的医疗保健IT出版新闻和信息技术的利用来实现企业的目标和提高护理质量的深入分析。 ;
接触:艾米丽说:202-476-4500  ;
Children's National Health System, based in 华盛顿特区, has been serving the nation's children since 1870. Children's National is a Leapfrog Group Top Hospital, Magnet® designated, and was ranked among the top 10 pediatric hospitals by 美国新闻与世界报道2015-16年。家到儿研所和谢赫扎耶德小儿外科创新研究所、国家儿童是一个国家的顶级NIH资助的儿童机构。以社区为基础的儿童网络,七个区域的门诊中心,门诊手术中心,急诊室,急症护理医院,整个地区的合作,儿童的国家是公认的专业和创新在儿科护理和所有儿童的倡导者。更多信息,访问childrensnational.org,或者按照我们在Facebook和推特。