To allow his body to heal from surgery and receive the nutrition he needed, Gustavo had a feeding tube placed in his stomach. At 8 months old, his mother, Glenda, of Medford, Mass., transferred his care to MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC). At the age of 8, Gustavo was cleared to eat solids and sent to the ;MGHfC Feeding Team and Lauren Fiechtner, MD, director of nutrition in ;Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at MGHfC.
Since working with the MGHfC Feeding Team, Gustavo has been making strides in learning how to chew and swallow and working closely with Christine Cooper-Vince, PhD, a postdoctoral Psychology fellow in ;Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at MGHfC. Through feeding therapy with Cooper-Vince, Gustavo has been practicing chewing and swallowing new foods one bite at a time and working his way toward trying more new foods and larger bites.
“古斯塔沃的工作的做法,旨在帮助他加强咀嚼和吞咽能力,同时也建立了他的信心,他有能力安全地吃新的食物的嘴。他们也被设计来帮助减少窒息的恐惧。我们通过反复练习咀嚼和吞咽食物,直到恐惧减少了在日益困难的食品,”Cooper Vince说。“古斯塔沃给他的喂养治疗带来了一种能量和热情,这种疗法是有感染力的。当他成功地嚼吞了一个新的食物,房间里爆发出欢呼,他一定会给大家一个庆祝的高五。这是一种特权,与古斯塔沃和他的家人一起工作,帮助他实现他的目标。”