雷内favaloro,MD,来到克利夫兰诊所没有邀请函。他是阿根廷人想从克利夫兰诊所的著名外科医生了解乡村医生。 是上世纪60年代初。 favaloro博士成了好朋友,著名的外科医生乔治T形,小,医学博士,和F梅森sone,MD,冠状动脉造影发现者。他们欢迎渴望,勤奋工作的年轻人。
favaloro博士研究先锋克利夫兰诊所心脏外科医生唐纳德艾非尔,MD肘,和心脏病专家威廉proudfitt。克利夫兰诊所的医生已经被入左心室的肌肉植入左乳内动脉治疗缺血性心脏病。 这种技术叫做维博格程序,有时会导致血运重建,虽然结果不一致和不可预知的。 更好的东西显然是必需的。 favaloro博士仔细研究博士儿子收集及血管造影绘制一个新的手术方法。 这里是接下来发生的事情,根据纽约时报 (August 1, 2000): “On Nov. 30, 1967 … he performed an operation at the Cleveland Clinic on a patient with a potentially deadly coronary artery blockage. After stopping the heart, Dr. Favaloro took a section of vein from the patient’s leg and sewed one end to his aorta. Then, much the way a driver might use a side road to go around a traffic jam, Dr. Favaloro attached the other end to the blocked artery, beyond the blockage.” This was the first saphenous vein coronary artery bypass graft – soon to become one of the most widely performed major surgeries in the world. While other surgeons claimed to have done similar grafts earlier, the 纽约时报 says, “Dr. Favaloro was the first to systematically plot and perform the procedure and publish his results” – performing post-surgical angiography to document improved blood flow and reporting the outcomes in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
一个深情的谦虚的人,favaloro博士分享荣誉为他非凡的成就。 “我们比我更重要,”他写道。 “在医学上的进步总是许多努力多年积累的结果。”favaloro返回他的家乡argentinain 1971博士发现心脏保健诊所在克利夫兰诊所的模式和资助自己的钱。他的死亡在2000是全世界都在哀悼。