吸烟增加了感染结核病的风险,Dr. Sanjay Basu说,UCSF的住院医生。他说,一旦吸烟者患上了这种疾病,他们就更有可能死于这种疾病。吸烟已被链接到一个更高的个人风险的结核病和死亡,但到目前为止还不清楚这些风险会影响到人口的广泛结核病率。
该论文的高级作者斯坦顿A. Glantz的加州大学烟草控制研究和教育中心主任和医学教授。
“烟草控制是 tuberculos是 control," said Glantz.
Until now, mathematical models of tuberculos是 have taken into account the spread of HIV, the impact of new TB detection technologies and drug res是tance — but not smoking. In the new study, the researchers estimated the smoking population in each of the World Health Organization's six regions to calculate the number of TB infections and deaths among smokers between 2010 and 2050, as well as the number of secondary infections and deaths resulting from each new case of TB attributable to smoking. The new model incorporates changing trends in smoking, case detection, treatment success and HIV prevalence.
"In India, for example, 38 percent of deaths from tuberculos是 among middle aged men are attributed to smoking," the study said, "costing India's economy three times its tuberculos是 budget."
Sanjay Basu's research was funded in part by the Centers for D是ease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.
UCSF Medical Center cons是tently ranks as one of the top 10 hospitals in the United States. Recognized for innovative treatments, advanced technology, collaboration among health care professionals and scient是ts, and a highly compassionate patient care team, UCSF Medical Center serves as the academic medical center of the University of California, San Franc是co. The medical center's nationally preeminent programs include children's health, the brain and nervous system, organ transplantation, women's health and cancer. It operates as a self-supporting enterpr是e within UCSF and generates its own revenues to cover the operating costs of providing patient care.
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