在1981,美国医生进行了300万次扫描,一个医疗成像程序,使用计算机技术来产生身体的某些领域的横截面X射线图像。今天,这个数字已经跃升至7000万。 欢迎来到“防御医学”时代。
实践是谁都不可能有一个心脏病患者造成不必要的健康风险,丽塔说Redberg,硕士,医学博士,心血管科与UCSF UCSF医学教授妇女心血管服务主任。
他们最近写了一篇社论出现在新英国医学杂志,在应对最近的两项研究& ndash;还发表在杂志& ndash;建议使用CT扫描患者的胸痛”提高临床决策的效率,比如在急救部的评价标准进行比较。”
另一个问题是辐射暴露对Redberg。 典型的是,一个X射线扫描可以提供600倍的X射线辐射。CT扫描可能会引起在美国几乎30000的癌症患者,其中14500会导致死亡,根据一项为期10年的UCSF的研究发表在内部医学档案。
"Generally it takes 20 years or so for cancers to emerge after radiation exposure but the big concern is that in 20 years, we're going to look at thousands of excess deaths due to CT scans we're doing now," Redberg said。 "Certainly some of these scans are appropriate and even life-saving, but a lot of them are not。"
She suggests the U。S。 health care industry adopt a "multi-tiered" approach to change the culture of medicine。 "Primary care doctors don't always have to do a test when someone says they have chest pain," Redberg said。 "If there's low probability, you can follow them。 You can do a clinical assessment; you don't have to send someone to the emergency room every time they have an unusual type of chest pain。"
She recommends ordering diagnostic tests only if it can improve the patient's outcome。 It shouldn't be ordered as a strategy to minimize malpractice lawsuits。
"There really aren't data showing that doctors who order more tests are less likely to get sued。 The best data I've seen suggest that doctors who talk to their patients are less likely to get sued," she said。 "I think patients would appreciate it if we would talk to them more。"
UCSF Medical Center consistently ranks as one of the top 10 hospitals in the United States。 Recognized for innovative treatments, advanced technology, collaboration among health care professionals and scientists, and a highly compassionate patient care team, UCSF Medical Center serves as the academic medical center of the University of California, San Francisco。 The medical center's nationally preeminent programs include children's health, the brain and nervous system, organ transplantation, women's health and cancer。 It operates as a self-supporting enterprise within UCSF and generates its own revenues to cover the operating costs of providing patient care。
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