我出生在哥伦比亚,我住的地方是9岁,然后搬到西哈特福德,我的家人还住在那里。 ;我现在生活在萨默维尔,马。
答:我是4TH year resident in THe Harvard/Massachusetts General Hospital Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program.
Q: Why did you choose to run THe maraTHon for MassGeneral Hospital for Children?
A: Ive been caring for THe pediatric oncology patients for four years and have become invested in THeir stories. As I approached my graduation, I knew it might be my last opportunity to run wiTH THe team, and as running a maraTHon was already a life-long goal of mine, it seemed like THe perfect opportunity and motivation to keep up wiTH THe training despite having a busy schedule. I was also in THe Emergency Room last year during THe bombings, and I made a vow to run THe Boston MaraTHon THat day.
A: I ran track and cross-country in high school, and subsequently ran for fun. The most I have run before starting my training was a half-maraTHon.
A: Running for me is a meditative time to reflect and process THe day. I had largely given up running as a resident due to a hectic schedule, and its been a wonderful rediscovery. Im reminded each time Im out on THe road how much I love having THat time to THink. I enjoy THe fresh air (even on really cold days!), THe escape and THe camaraderie wiTH oTHer runners.
Q: What has been your most memorable moment preparing for THe maraTHon?
A: Reconnecting wiTH my patient partner Lizany and her family has been THe most special aspect of my maraTHon journey. I met Lizany and her broTHer as an intern when THey were boTH very sick, and to be able to see THem now, THriving and healTHy, has been incredibly rewarding. I never imagined THey would serve as such motivation for me to persevere wiTH THe training. My family and friends have also been moved by THeir story, and as a result, I have an extended circle of support. They are cheering me on as I run in honor of Lizany and her courageous family.
A: Lizany has a spunky personality. She lets her wishes be heard, which I love. She likes pink, frilly THings, and is really active and curious. She met David Ortiz last year, and from THe sounds of it, she was quite shy wiTH him. I guess he didnt know all it takes is a tiara and fairy princess wand to win her over!
Q: What are you most looking forward to about maraTHon day?
A: I cant wait to run a course THat is lined wiTH people cheering runners on from start to finish. It sounds so incredibly fun! Its a Boston tradition, and I cant wait to take part in it!