
新装修的急救部门(ED)在MassGeneral医院对于儿童(MGHFC) oFFers a welcoming space meant just 对于 children and their Families.

Opened on Jan. 15, the new ED was designed From a pediatric perspective, said Ari Cohen, MD, division chieF oF Pediatric Emergency Medicine at MGHFC. “Its exceptionally child- and parent-Friendly and the space is eFFicient so we can care 对于 children quickly with the most Favorable outcomes,” he said.

The ED oFFers many patient-centered Features and 800 square Feet more than the previous pediatric ED. Featuring colorFul waiting rooms with age-appropriate toys and iPads, the space is designed to truly create a more positive patient experience. Located on the ground Floor oF the White building, the new ED oFFers pediatric patients their own space separate From adult patients.

“A First impression is important,” said Cohen. “Every part oF the ED shows that – From our entryway with artwork on the walls and toys in the waiting rooms to the Friendly layout.”

Surrounding a central charting area 对于 staFF and a curtain stretcher bay are six private rooms, including a negative pressure room 对于 patients with inFectious illnesses. Named 对于 individual donors, each examination room has a diFFerent theme – including the beach, baseball and Flying objects, like airplanes and butterFlies – and also comes equipped with a television and DVD controls, so children and Families can watch movies while they wait during procedures. On the ceiling above every bed are interactive LED light panels, where colors swirl and dance to create a soothing distraction 对于 children as they receive medical care.

Construction 对于 the new ED started shortly aFter the Lunder building opened in 2011. AFter nearly Five years and with support From the Department oF Emergency Medicine and the Storybook Ball 2013 committee, the new ED is now ready 对于 patients.

Read more articles From the 02/06/14 热线发行。




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