



"Since high birth weight, in turn, increases risk for 肥胖 和 diseases such as癌症哮喘“后来在生活中,这些发现对公众健康有着重要的影响,”合著者说路德维希戴维,医学博士,博士,导演最佳生活质量(OWL) Program at 波士顿儿童医院。 "It's appropriate for a baby to be born with some fat, but a baby born too fat indicates that the fetus developed in an abnormal environment during the most critical nine months of life。"

Ludwig 和 collaboratorJanet Currie博士,经济学系在哥伦比亚大学, used statewide birth records to examine all known singleton births in Michigan 和 New Jersey from 1989 through 2003。 They identified mothers with two or more live births, allowing a comparison of pregnancies in the same mother。 Infants born before 37 weeks or after 41 weeks of gestation were excluded, as were mothers with diabetes 和 infants with极低or high birth weights。 This left 513,501 women 和 1,164,750 infants for analysis。



Compared to those gaining just 18-22 pounds, expectant mothers gaining 44-49 pounds were 1。7 times more likely to have a high-birth-weight baby, 和 those gaining more than 53 pounds were 2。3 times more likely to do so。 The pattern was the same after excluding women who had ever smoked, those who delivered by caesarean section, 和 those who had any pregnancy of less than 39 weeks or more than 40 weeks。

Animal studies suggest that excess maternal weight or excess weight gain during pregnancy affects the uterine environment, producing changes in the hypothalamus, pancreatic islet cells, fat tissue 和 other systems that regulate body weight。 "Hormones 和 metabolic pathways, 和 even the structure of tissues 和 organs that play a role in body weight maintenance are affected," says Ludwig。

最近更新指南医学研究所suggest that women gain 28 to 40 pounds if underweight at the start of pregnancy, 25 to 35 pounds if they are normal weight, 15 to 25 pounds if overweight, 和 11 to 20 pounds if obese。

研究 was funded by the国立卫生研究院


波士顿儿童医院 is home to the world's largest research enterprise based at a pediatric medical center, where its discoveries have benefited both children 和 adults since 1869。 More than 1,100 scientists, including nine members of the National Academy of Sciences, 12 members of the 医学研究所 和 13 members of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute comprise Children's research community。 Founded as a 20-bed hospital for children, 波士顿儿童医院 today is a 392-bed comprehensive center for pediatric 和 adolescent health care grounded in the values of excellence in patient care 和 sensitivity to the complex needs 和 diversity of children 和 families。 Children's also is the primary pediatric teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School。 For more information about the hospital 和 its research visit:www。childrenshospital。org/newsroom






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