由研究人员开发波士顿儿童医院,在与卫生和人类服务部(HHS),一个新的Facebook应用程序称为“我是个流感斗士!“让人们有机会动员和采取行动对抗流感的威胁,告诉他们的朋友他们有甲型H1N1季节性流感疫苗,并鼓励他们做同样的事情。建立国家流感疫苗接种周的一部分,该软件还提供的流感病毒,包括流感疫苗定位器- HHS的礼貌flu。gov。
应用程序的项目的一部分(healthysocialHealthySocial。org),两年前成立的本公司,博士,,儿童医院信息学计划。 The project aims to empower individuals to promote positive health behaviors amongst their friends and family through the use of social networks。 Reis and his team are working on a range of free social apps that allow users to collaborate with their friends to encourage better health。
"Social networks have tremendous potential to do good in the world," says Reis。 "By leveraging existing social connections, people can spread positive health behaviors and attitudes amongst their friends and loved ones。"
波士顿儿童医院 is home to the world's largest research enterprise based at a pediatric medical center, where its discoveries have benefited both children and adults since 1869。 More than 500 scientists, including eight members of the National Academy of Sciences, 13 members of the Institute of Medicine and 12 members of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute comprise Children's research community。 Founded as a 20-bed hospital for children, 波士顿儿童医院 today is a 396-bed comprehensive center for pediatric and adolescent health care grounded in the values of excellence in patient care and sensitivity to the complex needs and diversity of children and families。 Children's also is the primary pediatric teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School。 For more information about the hospital and its research visit:www。childrenshospital。org/newsroom。