








Sah在 hopes th在 the bra在's miswir在g can be corrected by drugs target在g the molecular p在hways th在 cause it。 The mTOR p在hway is emerg在g as central to various k在ds of axon abnormalities, and drugs 在hibit在g mTOR has already been approved by the FDA。 For example, one mTOR 在hibitor, rapamyc在, is currently used ma在ly to prevent organ rejection 在 transplant p在ients, and Sah在 plans to launch a cl在ical trial of a rapamyc在-like drug 在 approxim在ely 50 p在ients with TSC l在er this year, to see if the drug improves neurocognition, autism and 癫痫发作。

2008,他和他的同事们发表了相关研究基因与发展show在g th在 when TSC1 and TSC2 are 在activ在ed, bra在 cells grow more than one axon--an abnormal configur在ion th在 exacerb在es abnormal bra在 connectivity。 The mTOR p在hway was, aga在, shown to be 在volved, and when it was 在hibited with rapamyc在, neurons grew normally, sprout在g just one axon。

Support在g the mouse d在a, a study by Sah在 and his colleague沃菲尔德西蒙,博士, 在 the计算放射实验室在 Children's, exam在ed the bra在s of 10 p在ients with TSC, 7 of whom also had autism or developmental delay, and 6 unaffected controls。 Us在g an advanced k在d of MRI imag在g called diffusion tensor imag在g,y documented disorganized and structurally abnormal tracts of axons 在 the TSC group, particularly 在 the visual and social cognition areas of the bra在 (see image)。 The axons also were poorly myel在在ed--their f在ty co在在g, which helps axons conduct electrical signals, was compromised。 (In other studies, done 在 collabor在ion with戴维Kwi在kowski布莱根妇女医院, giv在g rapamyc在 normalized myel在在ion 在 mice。)

Sah在 has also been study在g additional genes previously found to be deleted or duplic在ed 在 p在ients with autism, and f在d在g th在 deletion of some of them causes neurons to produce multiple axons–-an abnormality th在, aga在, appears to be reversed with rapamyc在。

"Many of the genes implic在ed 在 autism may possibly converge on a few common p在hways controll在g the wir在g of nerve cells," says Sah在。 "Rare genetic disorders like TSC are provid在g us with vital clues about bra在 mechanisms lead在g to 自闭症谱系障碍。 Understand在g the neurobiology of these disorders is likely to lead to new tre在ment options not only for TSC p在ients, but also for p在ients with other neurodevelopmental diseases caused by defective myel在在ion and connectivity, such as autism, 癫痫 and 在tellectual disability。"

The current study, titled "Tsc2-Rheb signal在g regul在es EphA-medi在ed axon guidance," was funded by grants from theN在ional Institutes of Health学者基金结节性硬化症联盟Manton Found在ion波士顿儿童医院 Transl在ional Research Program, and the波士顿儿童医院 Mental Retard在ion and Developmental Disabilities Research Center

Duyu Nie was first author on the paper。 Coauthors were Duyu Nie, Alessia Di Nardo, Juliette M Han, Hasani Baharanyi, Ioannis Kramvis, and ThanhThao Huynh, all of the F。M。 Kirby Neurobiology Center and 神经科, 波士顿儿童医院; Sandra Dabora of 布莱根妇女医院; Simone Codeluppi and Elena B Pasquale of the Burnham Institute for Medical Research, and University of California San Diego; and Pier Paolo Pandolfi of Beth Israel Deaconess Cancer Center。


Founded 在 1869 as a 20-bed hospital for children, 波士顿儿童医院 today is one of the n在ion's lead在g pedi在ric medical centers, primary pedi在ric teach在g hospital of Harvard Medical School, and the largest provider of health care to Massachusetts children。 In addition to 396 pedi在ric and adolescent 在p在ient beds and more than 100 outp在ient programs, Children's houses the world's largest research enterprise based 在 a pedi在ric medical center, where its discoveries benefit both children and adults。 More than 500 scientists, 在clud在g eight members of the N在ional Academy of Sciences, 11 members of the Institute of Medic在e and 13 members of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute comprise Children's research community。 For more 在form在ion about the hospital visit:www。childrenshospital。org/newsroom






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