集锦 到现在为止,关于晚期前列腺癌的遗传学研究还不清楚。 目前,对这些晚期癌症的治疗很少有好的治疗方法。 许多前列腺癌与遗传性乳腺癌和卵巢癌有着共同的基因突变。 肿瘤的遗传学分析表明大多数患者的治疗方案。对于某些类型的癌症,是针对特定的突变个体肿瘤&mdash用药;治疗策略称为精密药物—日益成为标准治疗的一部分。例如,肺癌、乳腺癌和结肠癌的患者通常有肿瘤基因分析,以帮助确定最佳治疗方法。
“这项研究的一个独特的方面是,我们使用影像引导下的穿刺活检获得的肿瘤样本的地方,癌细胞已经扩散到全身,”说医师科学家查尔斯索耶,MSK '的椅子;人类肿瘤及发病机制项目之一,该项研究的资深作者。以前的研究已经在早期前列腺癌的基因改变,但没有有用的研究结果出现的研究。
回到顶部近百分之20的男性在这项研究中有基因突变的基因,如修复,如BRCA1和BRCA2。Mutations in these genes are associated with inherited breast和ovarian cancer和have also been linked to an increase in prostate cancer。 “Women with ovarian cancer who have these mutations now routinely receive a new type of drug called a PARP inhibitor。 They also respond well to cisplatinum chemotherapy,” Dr。 Sawyers explains。 “Those drugs are not part of the usual thinking in taking care of men with metastatic prostate cancer, but now we think they should be, for this subset of men。”
Like many breast和ovarian cancers, some prostate cancers have mutations in DNA repair genes。
他指出这一发现另一个有趣的部分:“我们知道BRCAmutations run in families, but only about half of the men whose tumors had this mutation had the inherited form of the gene,” he says。 “It’s not entirely clear what that means yet,和it’s something we’ll continue to look at。”
回到顶部“This study suggests that clinical genomic sequencing could impact treatment decisions in a significant number of patients with [MCRPC],” says the University of Michigan’s Arul Chinnaiyan, who was co-senior author和principal investigator of the study和is a past recipient of the Paul Marks Prize from MSK。
我们致力于获得有关这项研究的信息。查尔斯。索耶 医师科学家Dr。 Sawyers和Dr。 Chinnaiyan are co-leaders of the St和Up To Cancer—Prostate Cancer Foundation Dream Team, which partially funded the study。
Dr。 Sawyers explains that some hurdles remain before genomic testing of metastatic prostate tumors becomes part of the routine standard of care。 “There’s a bit of a learning curve in being able to obtain biopsies from some of these sites in the body,” he says。 “We benefited greatly from the expertise of the interventional radiologists at all the centers that participated in this research。 But we’re committed to getting the message out about this research和helping other hospitals learn how to do this。”