在伙伴关系与大洛杉矶动物园协会,查利教皇, ; ;娜塔莉亚juanero,恩典邦斯提德 ;和维维安设计的,具有特殊的访问的动物和一个近距离的机会满足三个特殊的动物:Pollie和克,有白内障和永久失明的密封件;和Randa,印度犀牛是一个癌症幸存者。
娜塔莉亚,6,谁有急性淋巴细胞白血病,和 ;恩,5,谁有Ph+急性淋巴细胞白血病,遇见Randa。40岁的犀牛被诊断出一种皮肤癌的形式在她的角。Randa有她的角消除由于癌症的位置,经历了癌症的治疗,现在是一名幸存者的癌症。
This visit was a precursor to dreamnight, a global initiative in which institutions that care for children and their local zoos and aquariums have a special night with their invited patients and guests. The dreamnight Event Committee, was led by event co-chairs, Beth Price and Kim Shepherd. Munchkin, Inc., maker of clever and innovative baby products, was the catalyst for helping the night come to life at the LA Zoo. As the presenting sponsor Munchkin underwrote the cost of the event with a significant gift, dedicated their employee volunteers to help run the evening and, abiding by their motto “it’s the little things”, provided wonderful gift bags full of Munchkin products to every family. Following Munchkin’s generous example, additional funds were raised through donations and sponsorships. These contributions will benefit both Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association.
“dreamnight enabled a platform to do so much,” says Maureen Girouard, Director of Strategic Initiatives for CHLA’s Foundation and who headed dreamnight on behalf of the hospital. “By partnering with the L.A. Zoo, we were able to provide a really special evening for more than a thousand of CHLA’s patient and family members, at no cost to them. And, dreamnight was positioned to bring our friends and supporters together for the benefit of our two institutions, both devoted to healthcare, research and education.”
One of the hospital’s Junior Ambassadors, Vivian, 14, was one of the top fundraisers for dreamnight. Vivian is currently in remission for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a cancer that affects the upper part of the throat, behind the nose and near the base of the skull.
Although dreamnight is over, the dream to support is not. Visit CHLA.org/dreamnight to make a donation of any amount to help support the children and animals who need our care.