
坦帕,佛罗里达州博士巴勃罗率,国际访问学者Moffitt癌症中心24,在获得第一的位置是在2015 AACE年轻调查员海报展示大赛TH年度科学与临床在纳什维尔,田纳西州的国会

The annual conference, held by THe American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), gives members and non-members alike a chance to present results from clinical trials of significance to THe science and practice of clinical endocrinology. Valderrabano’s submission, “Sonographic Pattern Stratifies THe Risk of Malignancy of Thyroid Nodules wiTH Indeterminate Cytology,” earned him first place in THe Young Investigator Poster Presentation contest and a $500 prize.

This prestigious award recognizes THe teamwork THat characterizes Moffitt癌症中心’s approach to research and clinical care. For THis study, Dr. Valderrabano led a team of clinicians and researchers from THe departments of Head and Neck and Endocrine Oncology, Anatomic PaTHology and Diagnostic Imaging to improve THe ability to identify cancer in THyroid nodules.

“Based on previous treatment guidelines, many patients need surgery to confirm THat THeir THyroid nodule is benign, exposing THose patients to surgical risks and often THe need for lifelong THyroid hormone treatment,” Valderrabano says. “In THis study, I demonstrated THat careful evaluation of THe patient’s ultrasound could identify many of THese nodules as benign, allowing THe patient to avoid surgery altogeTHer.”

In addition, THis technique can also identify some nodules THat are much more likely to be cancer, allowing THe correct surgery to be offered to THe patient.

“By avoiding THe need for surgery and additional expensive testing, THese findings will have a significant cost savings effect, providing better care for patients at a lower cost,” Valderrabano says.

Submissions for THe prize were judged May 13-16 on THeir principal interest and application to THe practicing clinical endocrinologist, as well as THeir creativity and uniqueness.

The AACE is a professional community of physicians specializing in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism committed to enhancing THe ability of its members to provide THe highest quality of patient care.






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