
超过550位客人在海盗恃强凌弱的世界和宝藏在今年’的故事球,引来了经典的孩子们的冒险故事,其灵感;“金银岛。”对专科医院的年度筹款活动对于儿童(MGHFC) raised $1.6 million to support research initiatives and patient care programs. Since its inception, the event has raised more than $23 million 对于 MGHFC.

The Oct. 17 event at The Castle at Park Plaza in Boston highlighted pediatric brain disorders and brain surgery. MGHFC is recognized internationally 对于 groundbreaking research and clinical care that has greatly advanced the understanding and treatment oF conditions aFFecting the developing brain. These include pediatric epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries and concussions.

“Treasure Island,” by Robert Louis Stevenson, is a coming-oF-age tale, and so guests heard the coming-oF-age story oF patient Josh Canales. Sixteen years ago, Josh was diagnosed prenatally with spina biFida, a deFect oF the spinal cord. In the First Four days oF Josh’s liFe, William Butler, MD, MGHFC neurosurgeon, per对于med one surgery to close the opening in Josh’s spine and a second to insert a shunt in his brain. The shunt would alleviate Josh’s hydrocephalus, an accumulation oF spinal Fluid in the brain.

Josh is now a high school sophomore with a passion 对于 soccer, however, in February, his shunt became inFected and he became severely ill. Butler once again stepped in, this time per对于ming a rare surgery to open a ventricle in Josh’s brain that would allow 对于 the permanent removal oF his shunt. Today, Josh is living without the worry oF hydrocephalus or another shunt inFection.

Storybook Ball co-chairs Adriana Hassan, Melissa Lynch, JenniFer Nassour and Rebecca Seidenberg opened the evening’s program. Seidenberg, wiFe oF Boston Bruins player Dennis Seidenberg, spoke about her own Family’s experience with brain injuries.

“Throughout his career, Dennis has had a Few signiFicant injuries but the scariest was when he suFFered a serious concussion during a game,” said Seidenberg. “Dennis and I have three children that are all involved in sports. As a parent, I am concerned about the possibility oF concussions and how it could aFFect their developing brains. I Feel better knowing that MGHFC程序像运动震荡诊所,帮助孩子去做他们喜欢做的事情。”;

The program also included remarks From Ronald Kleinman, MD, MGHFC physician-in-chieF, and Allan Goldstein, MD, MGHFC surgeon-in-chieF. Peter L. Slavin, MD, MGH president, thanked guests 对于 their generosity.

“Medical care 对于 children is chronically underFunded, and much oF the work that MGHFC也不是每天都是通过医疗保险,报销”他说。“在麻省总医院FC, we all work together to deFeat the enemy oF disease – so our children can enjoy their own adventures, outside the hospital.”

Designed by RaFanelli Events, liFe-sized sails trans对于med The Castle into a pirate ship. Throughout the evening, attendees played games 对于 prizes donated by local supporters and businesses. There also was a live auction, where guests bid on one-oF-a-kind treasures including a trip to Italy to visit the celiac disease research lab oF Alessio Fasano, MD, and a private hockey lesson 对于 20 children with the Boston Bruins.

Read more articles From the 10/23/15 热线发行。




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