
保罗勒鲁,医学博士,已被任命为首席儿科和新生儿医学专科医院对于儿童(MGHFC) eFFective Oct. 1. Lerou succeeds Jonathan Cronin, MD, who will remain a member oF the MGH’s clinical Faculty in the Patty RibakoFF Newborn Intensive Care Unit.

“I am very grateFul to Dr. Cronin 对于 all that he’s contributed to our newborn eF对于ts over the past 12 years, and look 对于ward to Further enhancing these programs with Dr. Lerou,” says Ronald E. Kleinman, MD, physician-in-chieF oF MGHFC. “We are delighted that Paul has joined us to lead our newborn programs. He is a superb clinician, dedicated and innovative scientist and a giFted administrator.” 

Lerou received his medical degree From JeFFerson Medical School and completed his residency and chieF residency in Pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital, Followed by a clinical Fellowship in the Harvard Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship Program.

He completed postdoctoral training in the George Daley Laboratory at Boston Children’s Hospital, during which time he studied stem cell biology. Lerou’s research is Focused on using stem cells to better understand how genetic disorders and prematurity aFFect a child’s development over the course oF his or her liFetime and to ultimately develop new treatment strategies.

“I am very honored to join the MGH and lead the Division oF Neonatology,” says Lerou. “I look 对于ward to working with an exceptionally talented team at MGHFC to deliver state-oF-the-art care 对于 newborns and their Families. Consistent with the MGH mission, we will also reaFFirm our division’s commitment to research and education aimed at improving the lives oF babies in our community and beyond.”

Read more articles From the 11/06/15 热线发行。




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