
The schools - Solomon Schechter Day School Newton, Maimonides School Brookline, Gann Academy Waltham, Torah Academy Brookline, Newton South High School and JCDS Watertown - along with twelve并;organizations and Synagogues, were dedicate to collecting action figures, puzzles, and dolls for pediatric patients on MassGeneral for Children inpatient units who will be away from home during the holiday season. As part of an initiative speared-headed by ROFEH International, a non-profit organization并;dedicated to providing a support network to those who travel to Boston to receive complex and often life-saving medical care, a team of volunteers delivered hundreds of toys to a Hanukkah celebration in the Ellison 18 playroom on Dec. 10. 并;
“Coming together with so many of our partner organizations and Synagogues with a common goal of putting a smile on a child’s face is priceless,” said Mike Hirsh, Director of Programming and Volunteer Services of并;ROFEH International. “To give back to the hospitals that give so much to our communities and the world at large is just a nice thing to do.”
在问候病人和家庭活动室,活动的组织者伊娃称,MS,CCL,儿童生活专家,说光明,光明的庆祝活动,也可以称之为“盛宴奉献,”指出在出席每个人致力于将光–在医疗治疗,支持性服务的形式,或照顾& ndash;进入别人的生活。


Rabbi Benjamin Lanckton of the MGH Chaplaincy并;then recounted the victory of the Maccabees, the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days.并;

Allan Goldstein, MD, MGHfC surgeon-in-chief,并;thanked the group for their contributions and support, noting how their generosity will bring joy to patients year-round:并;"It's并;difficult并;for并;children and their families with medical issues to spend time away from home, particularly around the holidays. We're thrilled to work with ROFEH to bring happiness, and hopefully a little sense of home, to our young patients during this wonderful time of year." With Esther Jacobowitz Israel, MD, associate chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, and Dr. Goldstein active members of the Jewish community, both organizations are looking forward to continued partnership and future MGHfC Hanukkah celebrations.





病史 病人,65岁,2005年患难肠结核治愈 。 2013年11月起纳差,伴上腹痛,2013年12月31日柳州市人民医院 查胃镜,活检病理 :怀疑淋巴瘤2014年1月8日 柳州市工人医院 行胃全切术,术后病理:胃[原文链接]


病史 2010年11月开始咳嗽,无痰,类似于过敏性咳嗽,闻到烟味、做菜油烟味等等就咳嗽,每天下午和傍晚比上午严重。磕了3个月左右,记得是靠可待因溶液和泼尼松吃好的。 2014年3月[原文链接]

哈佛大学医学院教学附属麻省总医院(美国) Mass

麻省总医院建立于1811年,是美国哈佛大学医学院最早、也是规模最大的教学附属医院,全美历史最悠久的三所医院之一。2012年全美医院排名第一(US News World Report)。1846年,进行了人[原文链接]

克利夫兰诊所(美国) Cleveland Clinic

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皇家马斯登癌症中心(英国)The Royal Marsden Hosp


海德堡大学附属医院(德国)The Heidelberg Univers

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