非小细胞肺癌是肺癌中最常见的一种,约占所有肺癌的百分之87。诊断时的中位年龄为70岁,50岁以下的患者中有百分之5。虽然年轻人占所有非小细胞肺癌患者的一小部分,他们的总人数是相当大的。超过192000新的非小细胞肺癌病例在美国诊断 一年,根据美国癌症协会的数字。百分之五的数字对应于50岁以下的患者数量:9600。
为新纸,萨克和他的同事扫描了2237例NSCLC组织中,寻找八个基因异常,可针对现有的药物正在开发中。他们在五–发现靶向基因的改变表皮生长因子受体,ALK,HER2,ROS1,and BRAF V600E在年轻患者中更为频繁。在50岁或更年轻的患者中,百分之59岁以上的患者有可能比他们的肿瘤中有更多的基因突变的可能性更大。
"Our findings suggest that younger patients with NSCLC represent a genetically unique subgroup," Sacher says. "This has implications for how the disease is treated. Because younger patients are more likely to have a targetable form of the disease,it’s absolutely vital that their tumor tissue undergo comprehensive genetic testing including all targetable genomic alterations. This will ensure that they reap the full benefit of the targeted therapies that are now coming on line for NSCLC."
Spurred by the results of the study,researchers are offering advanced genetic sequencing to all patients under the age of 40 who are diagnosed with lung cancer. The testing,performed with the FoundationOne genomic profiling system,aims to identify genomic targets in patients’ tumors and help patients gain access to targeted therapies that may benefit them. Young lung cancer patients can participate remotely via a study website,www.openmednet.org/site/alcmi-goyl.
This international study is led by Geoffrey Oxnard,MD,of Dana-Farber and Brigham and Women’s,the senior author of the JAMA肿瘤学 study,and by Barbara Gitlitz,MD,of the University of Southern California,and coordinated by the Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute (ALCMI).
共同作者的JAMA肿瘤学 study are Suzanne Dahlberg,PhD,of Dana-Farber and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Jennifer Heng and Stacy March of Dana-Farber; and Pasi Jänne,MD,PhD,of Dana-Farber and Brigham and Women’s.
Support for the study was provided by the National Institutes of Health (grants R01CA114465 and P50CA090578),the Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology,the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation,the Canadian Institutes of Health Research,the Canadian Association of Medical Oncologists,the Gallup Research Fund,and the Kaplan Research Fund.