芝加哥–;春天终于到了芝加哥地区,带来了温暖的温度和阳光照射的减少,对许多人来说,这是一个危险因素的平均皮肤癌的危险。但今年春天,有一个健康的理由来炫耀你的皮肤。皮肤病学家西北纪念医院和西北医学湖森林医院将提供免费的皮肤癌筛查为公众在他们的年度免费筛查活动的预约。西北纪念’的事件 will take place on April 29, 2015,和森林湖医院’的事件将于2015年5月19日举行。According to the Centers for Disease Control和Prevention (CDC), skin cancer is the最常见的形式
of cancer in America和affects all skin t类型。据估计,大约有五美国人将在他们的一生中发展皮肤癌,其中包括其致命的恶性黑色素瘤。 “在最初检测皮肤癌最好的方法,最可治疗的阶段是要定期检查你的皮肤是否有一个新的地方或生长,在痣或如果你开发了一个疮,不会改变;不愈,”说玛丽·C·马蒂尼,医学博士,导演Pigmented Lesion和Melanoma Clinic for Northwestern Medicine和the 罗伯特H。Lurie综合癌症中心 of Northwestern University。“But even regular self-examination isn’t perfect和you can’t see all of your skin properly by yourself, which is why seeing a dermatologist for an annual checkup can be so important和save lives.” Expert organizations like the CDC和the American Academy of Dermatologists recommend patients remember the “a-b-c-d-e ’的黑色素瘤”;当看到一个点或痣: - “一”为不对称,是否有一个不规则的形状或2个部分看起来非常不同?
- “B & rdquo;为边境, is its 边境 irregular, hard to describe or jagged?
- “C ”为颜色, is its 颜色 uneven, varying from one side to another?
- “D ”为直径,它是大于6mm或大于约豌豆大小的?
- “E ”为进化, has it changed during the past few weeks or months in 颜色, size or shape?
“让你的皮肤医生的彻底检查是非常重要的,即使你不;没有任何直接关系,”加入西北医学科蒂娜维尼托斯,MD。“There is more than one kind of skin cancer和there is even a wide variation in how specific forms appear, which is why an expert review by a trained healthcare professional is key.” The free screening events this spring will be provided by appointment only,和patients are asked to register as early as possible to help assure they can reserve a time during the events. 西北纪念’的事件将在医院’的arkes亭在676 N.圣克莱尔在芝加哥2015年4月29日,从上午8点到下午12点可以在线完成注册使用下面的链接:http:\/\/bit.ly\/1fzclkd。 森林湖医院’的事件 will take place in its Hunter Family Center for Women’s Healthat 660 N。Westmoreland road in Lake Forest, Ill, on May 19, 2015, from 6:30 p.m。to 8:30 p.m。Registration for the Lake Forest event can be done over the phone by calling 847-535-7441. To learn more about how to keep your skin safe和healthy, visit nmgdermatology.nm.org或致电(3627)312-926-docs。媒介接触: